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WIKA Gedung's Success Story in Construction Efficiency with Glodon TBQ!

We are thrilled to share an inspiring success story from PT Wijaya Karya Bangunan Gedung Tbk (WIKA Gedung), a leader in Indonesia’s construction sector. WIKA Gedung has set a new benchmark in the industry by implementing Glodon Cubicost’s BIM 5D solutions to achieve remarkable efficiency and precision.


Before we dive into the details, take a moment to explore the infographic below, which visually captures their transformative journey.



A Closer Look at WIKA Gedung's Transformation


WIKA Gedung, a subsidiary of PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk, is renowned for constructing iconic buildings like office complexes, apartments, and educational facilities. With the constant design changes and the resulting Bills-of-Quantities (BOQ) addendums, WIKA Gedung was determined to look for digital solution to tackle these issues and difficulties.


The Power of Glodon Cubicost’s BIM Solutions


By integrating Glodon Cubicost’s advanced BIM technology, WIKA Gedung has significantly enhanced their project delivery capabilities. Here’s how they achieved exceptional value and efficiency:


Unparalleled Speed and Efficiency


By leveraging Glodon Cubicost, WIKA Gedung achieved 2X faster BOQ updates in their design and build processes. This significant reduction in time not only sped up project delivery but also allowed them to handle more projects concurrently with enhanced accuracy.


Enhanced Accuracy and Precision


Manual methods often led to errors and delays. With Glodon Cubicost TBQ's auto identity addendum features, WIKA Gedung improved the accuracy of their BOQ costing estimations, leading to more reliable project estimates and cost control.


Streamlined Project Monitoring


Glodon Cubicost provided integral monitoring and detailed planning capabilities, allowing WIKA Gedung to maintain thorough control over their projects. This improved their ability to manage volumes for claims and ensure projects stayed on track.


Overcoming Initial Challenges with Expert Support

Transitioning to a new digital platform comes with its own set of challenges. WIKA Gedung’s journey was made seamless with the exceptional support from Glodon’s team. They benefited from:


  • Proactive Support: Glodon’s team provided impromptu clinics and proactive solutions during critical project stages.


  • Customized Training: Tailored sessions equipped WIKA Gedung’s team to fully utilize Cubicost’s capabilities, ensuring seamless integration into their workflow.


Real-World Impact: The Kemenko 1 Office Building


One of WIKA Gedung’s notable projects, the Kemenko 1 Office Building for the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, is a testament to the power of Glodon Cubicost. This project, part of the New Capital City of Indonesia (IKN) initiative, was completed with exceptional efficiency and precision, underscoring the value of embracing modern solutions.


Why This Story Matters


WIKA Gedung’s success story illustrates how digital innovation can redefine construction practices, making them faster, smarter, and more accurate. Whether you’re in Indonesia or any other part of the world, the benefits of adopting Glodon Cubicost's BIM solutions are universal.


Ready to Transform Your Projects?


Experience the transformative power of Glodon Cubicost for your projects. Visit Glodon's website today to learn more about how these innovative solutions can propel your construction business to new heights.



WIKA Gedung’s journey from traditional methods to cutting-edge BIM technology serves as a blueprint for success in the construction industry. Their story highlights the immense potential of digital transformation in achieving exceptional project outcomes.