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Sigmal Construction’s Success Story with Glodon Unveiled!

Get ready to dive into an extraordinary tale of innovation and efficiency in the construction industry! We’re thrilled to share Sigmal Construction’s phenomenal journey to excellence. But before we spill the beans, take a moment to see the stunning infographic below that captures their transformative story at a glance.


A Glimpse into Sigmal’s Transformation:



Now that you've seen the highlights, let's unpack the incredible details behind Sigmal Construction's success.



Revolutionizing Construction Efficiency


Sigmal Construction, founded in 1995 and based in Malaysia, has always been at the forefront of building excellence. From towering skyscrapers to exquisite residential projects, they have consistently set high standards. However, in a rapidly evolving industry, staying ahead requires more than just experience—it demands innovation. That’s where their partnership with Glodon Cubicost’s advanced BIM solutions comes into play.


Why This Story Matters


Imagine completing projects 60% faster, enhancing accuracy, and bidding on more tenders with confidence. Sigmal Construction has achieved all this and more by embracing Glodon Cubicost’s state-of-the-art Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology. This isn’t just a success story—it’s a blueprint for transforming construction practices.


The Magic of BIM: Faster, Smarter, Better


Unmatched Speed and Efficiency


Sigmal’s project timelines have seen a dramatic reduction. Thanks to Glodon Cubicost, their workflows are now 60% more efficient, allowing them to complete complex projects in record time. What once took months now only takes weeks, positioning Sigmal as a leader in rapid project delivery.


Precision at Its Peak


In the construction world, accuracy is everything. With Cubicost’s automated Quantity Takeoff (QTO) and 3D visualization, Sigmal ensures every measurement is precise, and rework is minimized. This level of detail not only saves time but also significantly cuts costs and enhances overall project quality.



Streamlined Tender Processes


The tendering process can be cumbersome and time-consuming. But with Glodon Cubicost, Sigmal has simplified it. Their ability to quickly and accurately prepare tender documents has opened doors to more opportunities, allowing them to bid on a broader range of projects and increase their market presence.


Navigating the Transition: Overcoming Challenges


Every success story has its challenges, and Sigmal’s was no exception. Transitioning to new technology often comes with a steep learning curve. However, with Glodon's personalized training sessions and unwavering support, Sigmal's team quickly mastered the Cubicost BIM solutions. This hands-on assistance ensured that they could leverage every feature to its fullest potential.


Exceptional Support from Glodon


The journey with Glodon Cubicost is more than just software—it’s a partnership. Here’s how Glodon’s dedicated support has made a difference for Sigmal:
  • Customized Training: From basic to advanced levels, Glodon's tailored training sessions equipped Sigmal’s team with the skills needed to excel.


  • 24/7 Technical Assistance: A live service hotline and proactive support ensured smooth operations and quick resolutions to any technical inquiries.


  • Project-Specific Solutions: Glodon's service team provided bespoke assistance to meet the unique needs of each project, ensuring seamless execution from start to finish.


Real Results in the Field


To illustrate the impact, consider one of Sigmal’s notable projects: constructing two high-rise towers with a combined floor area of 98,600 square meters. With just two quantity surveyors and a timeframe of only two months, Sigmal completed this massive project with remarkable efficiency. This feat would have been challenging without the precision and capabilities provided by Glodon Cubicost.


Why This Success Story Should Matter to You


Sigmal Construction’s success isn’t just about them—it’s about the possibilities that await your projects. If you’re ready to elevate your construction efficiency, enhance accuracy, and streamline processes, Glodon Cubicost is the partner you need. This is your chance to turn challenges into opportunities and stay ahead in a competitive industry.


Ready to Transform Your Projects?


Don’t just take our word for it. Experience the benefits of Glodon Cubicost for yourself. Contact Glodon today to learn more about how their innovative BIM solutions can transform your construction projects and propel your business to new heights.



Sigmal Construction’s journey from traditional methods to cutting-edge BIM technology serves as an inspiration. Their story demonstrates how embracing innovation can lead to exceptional efficiency, precision, and success. Take the leap and let Glodon Cubicost be the catalyst for your next breakthrough.