Integrated piping calculations

Integrated calculations enable evaluation of system performance


  • Comprehensive calculations for piping systems
  • Calculation reports with possibility to make adjustments
  • Calculation according to local standards


When a heating, cooling, domestic water or sprinkler system has been partly or fully modelled, you can easily use the integrated and localised calculation functions in MagiCAD to evaluate system performance.


MagiCAD includes the following calculations for piping systems:

  • Heating and cooling
  • Sizing and balancing
  • Domestic water, sizing and balancing
  • Drainage flow summation


There are several additional definitions that enable you to adjust the calculations for each specific situation. Select whether to calculate to minimum pressure, pump pressure or a given pressure. Define specific heat capacity to get correct power calculations, set a diversity factor for flowrates, or specify design areas for sprinkler hazard classes. The software indicates during calculation if set design criteria is not met by the current system.


When a calculation has been performed, you can view a complete calculation report, perform resizing and make adjustments directly from the report. Calculation reports can be printed with matching node numbers and documentation of all the design criteria.