MagiCAD Piping

A complete BIM solution for piping design and calculation.


Fast and accurate piping design within Revit, AutoCAD and BricsCAD


MagiCAD Piping offers a complete BIM solution for the design and calculation of heating, cooling and domestic water systems, including drainage, sprinkler and specialist systems.


MagiCAD Piping fully integrates within the Revit, AutoCAD and BricsCAD software platforms.


Complete tools for effective piping design


MagiCAD provides piping designers with automated design tools and integrated calculations that make it easy to model any piping system and to verify its performance. The software is also localised to support the design standards of different countries.


Main Function Platform Note
Revit AutoCAD BricsCAD

Product selection and installation




Connection nodes between models


Editing tools

Integrated piping calculations


Pipe drawing tools


Pipe and device connections


Pipe series functions

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Gas system design and calculation




Horizontal crossing only works with MagiCAD for Revit

Gas system calculation only works with MagiCAD for Revit